The Internet of Production (IoP) Alliance Pubpub community hosts the development of data standards by the IoP Alliance working groups. The standards and working groups are initiatives of the IoP Alliance. For more information on the Internet of Production, visit our website.
Here are the data standards currently published or in development:
Open Know-How (OKH), published in 2019, is an open data model for sharing hardware designs and documentation online, to know how something can be made.
Open Know-Where (OKW), published in 2020 is defining a mapping standard for documenting and sharing information about the location of manufacturing facilities and capabilities globally.
Electronic components. Under development. This standard will focus on design information and documentation of electronics components, assemblies, and sub-assemblies.
The Open Know-How working group currently operates with two groups: an Adoption and a Maintenance group.
OKH Adoption (Communication, Marketing and Awareness) working group.
This group focuses on marketing and creating awareness of the standard in the OKH community.
OKH Maintenance working group
This group focuses on implementing systems to maintain and extend the specification of the standard.
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